Always on the hunt for a new trend or cool catchphrase, we were delighted to stumble upon the Sunday Times Style news article Are you a storage hypebeast? This is exactly the kind of catchy phrase we LOVE! But scratching our heads we weren’t quite sure what exactly a storage hypebeast is…. So here’s what the writer says to help us understand: Clip lock, Ziploc, vac packs, resealable bags – whatever your poison, there’s plenty of weird ways to spend your money right now. With nothing to do but rearrange the fridge a million times, getting things into a neat and orderly fashion has become a micro economy in 2021. Could this be the year of the organising influencer? The orgluencer?! Making the case for it is Shira Gill (@shiragill), the California-based home declutterer . Goop counts her among its favourites and she has a book, Minimalista, due in October, that details her ‘clarify, edit, organize, elevate and maintain’ philosophy.
Futon Company says: First was the Hygge trend, then came Marie Kondo, and now the Storage Hypebeast. We love, love, love this concept!! Order, maximising your space, keeping things neat and tidy – what’s not to love?! As experts in small space living we know a thing or two about the importance of space saving living and the need to keep your possessions streamlined and ordered in order to create a sense of calm. Now, as we’re all spending so much time in our multi-functional homes, there’s more need than ever to create canny storage options that work well for everything from cooking, to clothes storage, to home office, home school, entertainment centre and, well, anything else you can think of quite frankly!!

Trinity Stacking Storage Table

Takamura Stacking Storage Trays