So much to do; so little time. It’s no wonder it’s the little things that keep us going: An afternoon chat with a colleague to re-energise our mid-afternoon slump; a glass of wine to make cooking the evening meal more palatable; aspirational window shopping on our way home. And then there’s coffee, the ultimate pick-me-up….
Reading the July issue of Psychologies Magazine we came across this insightful news piece. It said…Coffee break: Do these words give you a little buzz? Thinking about coffee focuses your mind and sparks a reaction in your body – without the need to actually drink any. A recent study found that the idea of coffee increases people’s heart rates and the body’s arousal levels – in turn helping boost focus and literal, ambitious thinking. While just walking past a coffee shop can ignite this, thinking about tea didn’t have the same effect.
Futon Company says: We’re big advocates of the philosophy of mind over matter, so this is news to our ears! It’s true that when it comes to maximising joy in life it’s important to embrace the little things that spark joy. Translating this concept to the home, it’s often the case that bringing accessories into your space can add a boost of feel-good feelings boosting feelings of wellbeing and belonging. Check out our joy-inducing goodies, each and every one ideally designed for small space living…

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