In these modern times, we’ve adapted to new ways of socialising. In the dim and distant past, we thought nothing of an impromptu brunch at the local cafe, a bottle (or two) of wine in town with friends or a weekend away with besties. Now we’re on lockdown we’ve found new ways to meet up. Move over coronavirus – you’re not getting in our way of living life to the full!
And to help explain these new ways, Hattie Crisell, writing in Grazia Magazine, shares these helpful hacks on the new socialising in today’s crazy world. Read and take heed! She says:
The virtual dinner party isn’t the only video call on offer. Here are five others to brace yourself for:
· The work meeting: Prepare to be confronted with your colleagues’ private lives and a glimpse of your boss’s husband’s loungewear. Revel in the freedom of brainstorming while not wearing a bra!
· The parental chat: It’s a lifesaver to be able to talk to parents online – but would be better if they were both in the frame. Instead, you see your mum from the chin down, standing behind your dad, who’s leaning with his head out of view. Both are shouting, although they will soon accidentally mute the mic
· The virtual date: You’ve never met IRL, but you’re taking romance from Hinge to House Party. You put on your sexist top (but stay in tracksuit bottoms). Unfortunately, his dodgy wifi is no good for your sexual connection, with jokes having to be repeated three times before anyone laughs
· The BFF get-together: You and your five besties have settled on your respective sofas for a group chat. Six bottles of wine are on the go and it’s exhilarating to get together. But don’t expect to actually catch up when two of your are coughing; one is coaxing a child back to bed; and you’re all talking at once
· The reunion: It’s impossible to get your uni/school/first job friends in one place – you gave up trying years ago. So now’s the moment to reunite the gang via a video chat. Suddenly you’re remembering why you liked them so much in the first place. Savour it – you won’t meet again until the next pandemic!
Futon Company says: With virtual socialising so important right now we’re constantly thinking of ways to shake things up by creating new backdrops and places to sit during our meet-ups (which is especially challenging if you live in a small space!). Now that the weather is hotting up we’re casting our eye beyond our inner sanctuary to whatever outside space is around our homes. For some, the outside might be a windowsill with pots, for others it might be a balcony on which to perch a chair (perfect because the wifi still reaches) and for the lucky few it might mean a small garden, patio or deck. When it comes to making the most of your outside space size need not be an issue. Make the most of whatever you’ve got and style-up your space with outdoor goodies that are ideally designed to provide the perfect backdrop for your modern day meet ups.